Preview: Mind The Gap #1 (Image) by McCann, Esquejo, and Oback

Mind The Gap #1

by Jim McCann, Rodin Esquejo, and Sonia ObackMind_The_Gap_#1_A

Mind The Gap is a new ongoing series coming in May from Image Comics. Written by Jim McCann and illustrated by Rodin Esquejo and Sonia Oback, Mind The Gap is already generating some early buzz.

Lately, Image has had a very good track record of releasing not only good comics, but highly sought after ones. This looks to be another one of those hits.

Here is a look at two versions of the cover to Mind The Gap #1 along with a three page preview courtesy of Image Comics.

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Preview: Infestation 2: G.I. Joe #1 (IDW)

Infestation 2: G.I. Joe #1 (of 2)Infestation_2_GI_Joe01_1

Press Release

Infestation 2: G.I. Joe #1 (of 2)

Mike Raicht (w) • Valentine De Landro (a) De Landro, Livio Ramondelli (c)

Cobra has always had a penchant for dark experiments. This time they’ve gone too far and opened a portal to a realm of violence and madness. As squadron after squadron of Cobra Vipers falls under the thrall of the Elder Gods there seems no way to stop the hideous transformations that are taking place. The only hope lies in a group of already-insane Cobra agents… and a Joe named Snake Eyes!

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Preview: The Art of Molly Crabapple, Vol. 1: Week in Hell (IDW)

The Art of Molly Crabapple, Vol. 1: Week in Hell


Press release

The Art of Molly Crabapple, Vol. 1: Week in Hell

N/A (w) · Molly Crabapple (a & c)

In September 2011, artist and firebrand, Molly Crabapple, locked herself in a hotel room, covered the walls in paper and filled 270 square feet of wall with art. The project, called "Molly Crabapple’s Week in Hell," is a wild ride through the imagination of an artist stretching herself to the limits of her endurance. Gorgeous photographs by Steve Prue show Ms. Crabapple’s sheer talent, audacity, and ambition at work. From the first stroke of pen upon paper to the glorious 360 view of a room full of art, this book chronicles the trials and joys of the Week in Hell, including visits from some of New York City’s artistic luminaries, absinthe parties, live models, and musical accompaniment.

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Preview of AVENGERS VS. X-MEN Covers for June 2012

Marvel Unveils New AVENGERS VS. X-MEN Covers!


Press Release

The war to save the Marvel Universe continues this June as the Avengers go head to head against the X-Men while the all-powerful Phoenix Force hurtles towards Earth!

You’ve heard It’s Coming—and this April The War Is Here in Avengers VS X-Men! All your favorite super heroes enter—and only one team will emerge victorious!

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Advance Preview: Daredevil #10.1 by Mark Waid and Khoi Pham

First Look – Daredevil #10.1 Art by Khoi Pham

Daredevil gets “jumping on” point from Marvel Comics with Daredevil #10.1 in April. Here is the cover to Daredevil #10.1 by Marcos Martin along with three unlettered preview pages by Khoi Pham.


Press release

Marvel is proud to present your first look at, Daredevil #10.1, from Mark Waid and Khoi Pham. The most critically acclaimed series of the year provides fans new and old a perfect jumping on point, as Daredevil faces the consequences of his recent heroic actions! Seeking revenge at any cost, a cabal of villainous secret societies swarm Hell’s Kitchen with one objective- bring Daredevil to his knees!

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Advance Preview: Hulk #50 (Marvel)

Your First Look At The Landmark HULK #50

Hulk #50

Press Release

Marvel is proud to present your first look at, Hulk #50, from the critically acclaimed team Jeff Parker and Carlo Pagulayan. Red Hulk’s hostile encounter in Las Vegas during Circle of Four is coming back to haunt him! The end of the world may be upon us, but that’s not all that’s headed for Red Hulk;

"The Red Hulk didn’t get out of that Venom story unscathed,” explains Jeff Parker. “Something followed him out of hell and it’s going to make the supernatural territory of Marvel break open and swallow our anti-hero whole!"

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Preview: Womanthology: Heroic HC (IDW)

Preview of Womanthology: HeroicWomanthology_6

Womanthology is a large-scale anthology showcasing the works of women in comics. It is created entirely by over 140 women of all experience levels, from young girls who love to create comics all the way up to top industry professionals. All of the short stories will center around our theme for this volume; Heroic. There will also be features, such as Professional How-Tos, a Kids/Teens section showcasing their works and giving tips, as well as a section dedicated to some Iconic female comic creators of the past, such as Nell Brinkley, and much more. Profits of this book will go towards the Charities of

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Preview: GRIM LEAPER #1 (Image) by Kurtis Wiebe and Aluisio Santos

GRIM LEAPER #1 by Kurtis J. Wiebe & Aluisio Santos398523_147499192035551_139306016188202_177019_1328552046_n


Kurtis J. Wiebe, the writer of such acclaimed series as Green Wake, The Intrepids, and Peter Panzerfaust, has another mini series on the way from Image Comics/Shadowline – this time with artist Aluisio Santos defining the look.

Based on the track record that Wiebe has compiled at Image Comics and the amount of quality the publisher has been recently releasing, this is a four issue series to pick up!

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Preview: Epic Kill #1 (Image Comics) by Raffaele Ienco

Preview of Epic Kill #1 by Raffaele IencoEpic Kill promo1

Image Comics keeps the hits coming in May 2012 with Epic Kill #1 by Raffaele Ieno. This is a book that is heavily influenced by films that include The Matrix, The Fugitive, and Kill Bill. Ienco has written about the influences on Epic Kill at Multiversity Comics.

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Preview: THE DANCER #1 by Nathan Edmondson and Nic Klein

The Dancer #1 Preview by Edmondson and KleinThe Dancer

This May, Image Comics brings us The Dancer, a new series from Nathan Edmondson (Who is Jake Ellis?, The Activity) and Nic Klein (Viking). They’ve also provided a four page preview of the first issue.

With Nathan Edmonson at the helm, this will certainly be a series to pick up or pre-order at your local comic shop.

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