Man of Steel Teaser Poster

This weekend the official Man of Steel Facebook page released the first teaser poster for the new Superman reboot by Zack Snyder.
The full image is below.
Many different artists have given us their interpretations of superheroes and supervillains over the years. We’ve seen hundreds of artists work on long established characters such as Superman, Batman, Captain America, and The Joker. But imagine if an artist like Pablo Picasso tried his hand at those characters?
Well, you don’t have to imagine it any longer. Mike Esparza gives us his interpretation of what those characters would look like if the master painter Pablo Picasso had decided to paint them. The attention to the detailed marriage of Picasso’s style and the characters’ likeness and costume is what makes his interpretations so great.
DC Comics has announced that Keith Giffen and Dan Jurgens will be the creative force on Superman starting with Superman #7. Jurgens will handle the writing chores while Giffen will provide the artwork.
Being a man of many artistic styles, I wonder which one Giffen will opt for? Maybe a Jimmy Olson Kirby style? A Curt Swan classic style? I doubt it will be his Trencher style! We’ll find out soon enough.
This week marks the fourth and final wave of DC Comics’ New 52 #1 releases. Many retailers have hailed the launch as a success and have sold out of many, if not all, of the #1 issues across the board. We’ll see, in these following weeks and months, if it was indeed a success and which books will continue on.
Right now, we’re lucky enough to have a preview of Superman #1, due out this week, from Comic Book Resources.
The new adventures of Superman begin here! What is The Man of Steel’s startling new status quo? How does it affect Lois Lane and The Daily Planet? There’s no time for answers now, because Superman must stop a monstrous threat to Metropolis – one that he somehow is the cause of!
Today Warner Bros. released the first still from Zack Snyder’s upcoming The Man of Steel film. It features Henry Cavill as Superman in front of a bank vault that’s been broken open as sparks shoot from severed power lines.
One thing that’s immediately apparent is that the coloring on the suit seems to be darker than the bright blue and red we’re used to seeing on Superman. It also has that glossy, textured look similar to the Spider-Man costume in the newly rebooted The Amazing Spider-Man.
It’s hard to tell from the still if Superman is wearing his trademark red shorts, but we do know that he’s wearing a belt. Although DC is currently relaunching their DC Universe with altered costumes, it looks as though they are staying true to the character’s original look for the film.
Just yesterday, Warner Bros. announced that Laurence Fishburne was cast in the role of Perry White, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet. Fishburne will join an all-star cast led by Henry Cavill and including Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent), Michael Shannon (General Zod), Christopher Meloni (Colonel Hardy), Julia Ormond (Lara Lor-Van), Russell Crowe (Jor-El), and Antje Traue (Faora).
The Man of Steel, directed by Zack Snyder is set for a June 14, 2013 release date. Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
As usual, Bleeding Cool seems to get the first scoop on everything worthwhile in the comics industry. Taking the QR codes from each of the new DC in-house ads for several new relaunch titles led to pages on DC’s servers with unseen art on them.
Here are the pages that they managed to find. Some of them are original artwork scans.
On Friday July 22nd at the San Diego Comic-Con, DC Comics previewed artwork from their Superman group of books. Here’s a sneak peak of artwork from the following books: ACTION COMICS, SUPERBOY, SUPERGIRL, and SUPERMAN.
Image source
Today, DC announced the Superman related titles they’re relaunching in September. This is their final wave of announcements that started back on May 31st, 2011 – and by ‘final’ I mean ‘just the start!’
DC still has a lot of talent, exclusive or otherwise, that has been unaccounted for in their initial relaunch announcements. These core titles will be the bread and butter of DC’s push, but just wait a little while and we’ll get news of all the peripheral titles that they’ll be publishing as well. We’ll see what DC has up their creative sleeve with those books. I’m holding out hope for a Keith Giffen / Robert Loren Fleming Ambush Bug title! *crosses fingers*
The Twitter initiative called “While They Live Wednesday” was started by Tom Brevoort, and using the hashtag #whiletheylive, fans can celebrate iconic industry professionals while they are still alive to appreciate the kind words. We at Comic Book Critic think this is a great idea and have made it a weekly feature.
The celebrated industry pro for Wednesday May 25th, 2011 is Mike Carlin.
Mike Carlin is predominantly known as an editor, but he’s also written, penciled, inked, and even colored and lettered some