Preview: Broken Pieces #5 (Aspen) by Mark Roslan & Cory Smith

Broken Pieces #5 Preview

Broken Pieces #5

Here we have a three page preview of Broken Pieces #5, Aspen Comics’ newest original series, by Mark Roslan & Cory Smith – on sale December 19th, 2012.


Mark Roslan— Writer/ Cory Smith— Art/ Beth Sotelo— Colors/ Josh Reed— Letters 

Aspen Comics’ newest original series, Broken Pieces, reaches its stunning finale!

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Double Jumpers From Action Lab Now Available On Comixology


Double Jumpers

Press release

From Action Lab, the studio that brought you "Princeless" comes the comic the shares absolutely none of the things you liked about "Princeless", "Double Jumpers"!

Proving again their determination not to be pinned down to any one niche in the comics industry, Action Lab Comics has chosen their second book to be featured on Comixology and it’s what some critics have called the anti-Princeless.  From Action Lab’s own renegade writer Dave Dwonch and rogue illustrator William "Bill" Blankenship comes the M rated comic that’s anything but mature.

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Preview: X-O Manowar #11 – PLANET DEATH Part 1

Nord, Crain, Rivera, and Sears Invade


X-O Manowar #11

Here is a 6 page inked and uncolored preview of X-O Manowar #11, by Robert Venditti & Cary Nord, from Valiant Comics – which begins the Planet Death storyline.

Cary Nord’s artwork on these pages is just amazing to behold. He’s done some great work on this series and in this issue it looks as though he’s channeling P. Craig Russell. The page layouts and details in his art are simply outstanding.

Oh, by the way, Robert Venditti is on the book too.

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First Look – Cable And The X-Force #3 by Dennis Hopeless & Salvador Larocca


Cable and the X-Force #3

Here’s your 3 page first look preview of Cable and the X-Force #3, by Dennis Hopeless & Salvador Larocca, from Marvel Comics – on sale January 9th, 2012.

Press release

Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Cable and the X-Force #3, by the creative team of writer Dennis Hopeless and artist Salvador Larroca! Cable orders the team to attack a civilian company, but with his powers on the fritz will his judgment be brought into question?  And see where the mighty Colossus has been since the end of Avengers vs. X-Men!

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Preview: Bloodshot #6 by Swierczynski & Garcia

to the Limit

Bloodshot #6,

Bloodshot #6, by Duane Swierczynski & Manuel Garcia, from Valiant Comics arrives in comic shops on December 12th, 2012. Today we have a five page advance preview of Bloodshot #6 for you to read.


Press release

Valiant is proud to present an advance preview of Bloodshot #6 from the gut-punching, back-breaking creative team of Duane Swierczynski and Manuel Garcia! The all-new story arc, “The Rise & The Fall”, is just getting started and the stakes have never been higher!

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Preview of Idolized #4 (Aspen) by David Schwartz & Pasquale Qualano

Idolized #4 Preview!

Idolized #4

We present a 4 page preview of Idolized #4, by David Schwartz & Pasquale Qualano, on sale December 19th, 2012 from our friends at Aspen Comics.


David Schwartz – Writer / Pasquale Qualano – Art / David Curiel – Colors

Aspen Comics proudly presents their first ever super-hero series, IDOLIZED!

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Preview: Doctor Who #3 (IDW) by Brandon Seifert & Philip Bond

Doctor Who #3 Preview

Doctor Who #3

Here is a preview of Doctor Who #3, written by Brandon Seifert & illustrated by Philip Bond, from IDW Publishing on sale December 5th, 2012.

Doctor Who #3

Brandon Seifert (w) • Philip Bond (a) • Mark Buckingham (c)

First issue in a special two-part story featuring the art of Philip Bond! The stress from their past few adventures have the Doctor and Rory at each other’s throats, and Amy has had just about enough. So she sends them on a boys night out, must to their chagrin, but with a TARDIS at their disposal…

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Preview: Womanthology: Space #3 (IDW)

Womanthology: Space #3 Preview

Womanthology: Space #3

We present a preview of Womanthology: Space #3, written and drawn by many talented women, from IDW Publishing on sale December 5th, 2012.

Womanthology: Space # 3 (of 5)

Rachel Edidin, Jennifer De Guzman, Robin Furth (w) • Leigh Dragoon, Sophia Foster-Dimino, and more (a) • Renae DeLiz (c)

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Preview: Transformers: Regeneration One #86 (IDW)

Transformers: Regeneration One #86 Preview

Transformers: Regeneration One #86

Here is a 7 page preview of Transformers: Regeneration One #86, by Simon Furman & Andrew Wildman, from IDW Publishing on sale December 5th, 2012.

Transformers: Regeneration One #86

Simon Furman (w) • Andrew Wildman (a) • Wildman, Guido Guidi (c)

DARK REIGN! The fallout from the devastation on Earth ripples outwards, all the way to Nebulos, where GRIMLOCK faces his own darkest demons and a fateful choice that may cost him his very Spark. The dark reign of SCORPONOK begins here, and nothing will ever be the same again!

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First Look At Iron Man #5 by Kieron Gillen & Greg Land

Marvel NOW! – IRON MAN #5 First Look!


Here’s your first look at the first 3 unlettered pages of Iron Man #5, by writer Kieron Gillen & artist Greg Land, from Marvel Comics – on sale January 2nd, 2013.

Press release

Marvel is pleased to present your first look at Iron Man #5, from the blockbuster creative team of writer Kieron Gillen and artist Greg Land! Iron Man sets his sights on the last Extremis target, a threat that sends him into the cold of space as he debuts an all-new suit of armor and betrays an old friend.

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