Impossibear Takes Center Stage In ‘BRAVEST WARRIORS 2014 IMPOSSIBEAR SPECIAL’

Here’s an extensive preview of Bravest Warriors 2014 Impossibear Special #1 by creators Kevin Panetta, Nikki Mannino, Jeremy Sorese, Kevin Church, Kat Leyh, Paulina Ganucheau, and Jess Fink, courtesy of BOOM! Studios – on sale June 11th, 2014.
Press Release
Finally, the true leader of the Bravest Warriors is getting his own comic! This June, the jivest rainbow bear to have ever worn butter skates is taking the spotlight in the BRAVEST WARRIORS 2014 IMPOSSIBEAR SPECIAL. A fantastic team of all-star indie creators has come together to make what is probably the greatest comic in history, because… Impossibear.
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