First Look at Jirni #2 From Aspen Comics

Here is a preview of Jirni #2 by JT Krul, Paolo Pantalena, & Brett Smith from Aspen Comics – on sale May 22nd, 2013.
JT Krul - Story / Paolo Pantalena - Art / Brett Smith – Colors
Take an incredible JIRNI with Aspen¹s newest hit series! Discover a whole new world of adventure! As Ara’s fortuitous quest continues, her path is shrouded in mystery. Upon arriving in a remote village struggling to survive through desperate times, she discovers someone who might offer answers to the questions that torment her. But as Ara has learned time and again, nothing shall come easy in this unrelenting world.
Will she have the strength and courage to venture into the pit of darkness itself to find the truth – not only about her missing mother but about herself as well?
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