Preview of We Served The People OGN HC by Emei Burell

Here’s your first look at We Served The People, an original graphic novel by creator Emei Burell, on sale June 3rd, 2020 from Archaia / BOOM! Studios.
Press Release
In China, an entire generation’s most formative years took place in remote rural areas when city kids were sent to the countryside to become rusticated youth and partake in Mao’s mandated Great Leap Forward.
In an inspiring tale, Emei Burrell shares her mother’s true experience during the Down to the Countryside Movement of the early 1970s, which sought to increase agricultural outreach and spur social and ideological change amongst youth.
Burell’s stunning illustrations honor her mother’s courage, strength, and determination during a decade of tremendous political upheaval.
Writer: Emei Burell
Artist: Emei Burell
Cover Artist: Emei Burell
Publisher: Archaia
Price: $3.99