Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 Preview (DC)
Here’s a short preview of Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1 written by Rob Williams with art by Philip Tan, Jonathan Glapion, Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea, & Alex Sinclair, on sale August 3rd from DC Comics.
As a bonus, here are covers to SUICIDE SQUAD #1, due out 8/17 and SUICIDE SQUAD: WAR CRIMES SPECIAL #1, due out 8/31.
Writer: Rob Williams
Pencils: Philip Tan
Inks: Jonathan Glapion, Scott Hanna, Sandu Florea
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Cover: Philip Tan, Jonathan Glapion
Variant cover: Amanda Conner
Soldier. War hero. Traitor.
Captain Rick Flag was one of America’s greatest military commanders before he was banished to a secret military prison. But after years of isolation, Flag’s life changes forever when a woman called Amanda Waller offers him redemption in exchange for taking on the single most dangerous job in the entire DC Universe: keeping the Suicide Squad alive!
32 page color comic, $2.99 U.S.